Born in Montevideo on June 25, 1977.
1996 - 1999 ........ ingress and egress of Education.
1999 ................. works in state schools and private schools.
1999 ................. Gets English two international diplomas
(Oxford-P Esol)
2004 - 2008 ........ Make courses in painting, drawing, wood carving, cold porcelain and decorative techniques.
2007-2008 ......... Workshop ingress and egress Barradas, obtaining hence the title, Workshop Coordinator.
2006 ................. participates in the International Painting and Art decorative Uruguay; getting an award for one of his works.
2007 ................. begins to teach classes of artistic expression for children Schools.
2007 ................. part in the exhibition Made Here, held at the Latu
2008 ................. has an artistic expression workshop for children, youth and adults.
2008 ................ Participate painting competition at the Naval Academy, earning a mention there.
2009 ................. part in the exhibition Made Here, held at the Latu
Dimensions has received awards and post their works.
2009 ................. participates in an exhibition held at the Santa Rosa winery
2009 ................. drawing course begins with Oscar Larroca
Make 2010 sales ................. abroad.